Division Chiefs and Chairs

Academic Careers

Resources, FAQs, sample templates, and tools specifically compiled for division chiefs and chairs.



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The industry as a whole-from Medicare to commercial payers-is moving away from fee-based volume of care to reimbursement for improved outcomes of care or value-based care. View resources for transitioning.


Department Chair Toolkit

Access this in-depth resource for department chairs that covers recruitment/retention, DEI, finances, and more.

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Neurology Department chairs monthly webinars

  • Demystify the Gender Gap: Unequal Pay for Equal Work
    • A number of studies have highlighted that women in academic neurology are paid significantly less than men, even when controlling for age, experience, gender, NIH funding, numbers of publications, clinical trials, and Medicare payments. This webinar will explore the origins of the gender salary gap and discuss approaches that Department Chairs and Business Administrators can take to examine gender data, increase salary transparency, determine the causes of inequity, track outcomes, and adjust strategies to achieve equity goals. Posted April 18, 2021.
  • Divide and Conquer the Role of Division Chiefs in Neurology
    • A panel of neurology department chairs and academic neurology business administrators will discuss structuring your divisions, selecting and supporting your division chiefs, and personal experiences of leadership failures and successes. Posted March 11, 2021.
  • Strategic Planning and Execution during a Dynamically Changing Environment
    • Every institution is different, but the importance and approach to strategic planning often follows a similar process. A panel of neurology department chairs and academic neurology business administrators will discuss their approaches to strategic planning including faculty engagement, measurable goals, alignment, and execution to help you embark on your strategic planning during times of uncertainty. Posted February 11, 2021.
  • Faculty Compensation Models: Trials and Tribulations
    • This webinar focuses on a discussion of faculty compensation models that are among the most difficult and potentially contentious issues faced by chairs of departments of neurology. Yearly salary setting exercises, including discussions of raises, will be addressed. The information presented is based on previous chair seminars and work focusing on funds flow models that define many of the sources of income for a department; and how these models translate into individual faculty compensation. Posted January 12, 2021.
  • Adapting your Department for Coding Changes: Lessons Learned from Long-term EEG and Preparing for E/M
    • Each year the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) releases updates to the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule, including new CPT codes and reporting guidelines. A panel of experts discuss lessons learned from the changes neurology departments faced in 2020 and how to prepare for the changes coming in 2021. Posted December 10, 2020.

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