AAN Membership Offers access to valuable resources!
Join the AAN and gain access to exclusive member benefits (valued at up to $4,000) such as Academy publications, education courses to help maintain certification, tools to track your CME and AAN activities, and Annual Meeting discounts, just to name a few. Add your voice to the 40,000 neurologists and neuroscience professionals dedicated to promoting the highest quality patient-centered neurological care.
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If you are no longer a member but were a member in the past 5 years, please contact AAN Member Services for assistance.
Only AAN membership provides you with these one-of-a-kind resources:
What’s your learning preference: live conferences, virtual events, online learning, or print? We’ve got them all. Choose how you want to expand your knowledge, get and track continuing education credits, and prepare for your continuing certification.
Events & Conferences
Looking for ways to connect with your colleagues, experience the latest science and education, and earn CME? Join us at the AAN Annual Meeting—the world’s largest gathering of neurologists—or one of our popular regional conferences.
Interested in scientific research and support? Find CME through the AAN’s family of publications as well as the latest news and trends in neurology. Additionally, discover awards, grants, and scholarships to support your research work.
Practice Resources
How can you better support every facet of your practice and patient care? We’ve got the resources and tools to help you and your care team with coding and billing, payment models, health technology, patient education, and clinical practice guidelines-driven diagnostic and treatment.
How is your voice being heard? Your Academy helps shape US public policy and protects the practice of neurology by monitoring state and federal legislation, advocating for fair reimbursement and offering member involvement opportunities through educating lawmakers about high-quality patient care and the need to reduce regulatory burdens.
Community & Involvement
How can you get involved? We know that your interests are uniquely different from every other member, which is why we continue to grow and expand equally unique opportunities for involvement, community, and health and wellness—from leadership growth and personal development to networking and more.