Grievance Committee


Reviews grievances in accordance with the Academy's Disciplinary Action Policy and submits formal complaints to the chair of the Fair Hearing Panel Committee.

Chair: Peter B. Kang, MD, FAAN

Staff Liaison: Kay Fetters, Executive Assistant/Legal Coordinator

Job Description


  • Review allegations against AAN members submitted by complainants
  • Participate in conference calls on relevant issues as they arise throughout the year.
  • Occasionally, there may be special projects that would require an additional time commitment from committee members.


Committee members are appointed by the AAN president and may serve up to three, two-year terms.

Meeting Schedule

  • Attend up to two meetings per year, based on caseload.
  • A teleconference may replace an on-site meeting if the caseload does not warrant meeting in person.

Estimated Time Commitment

Two to 20 hours of preparation for each meeting, depending on caseload.

Committee Composition

The Grievance Committee consists of five voting members made up of the following:

  • Chair
  • Four additional members
  • Two members of the committee must be Fellows of the Academy