Meeting Management Committee


Develops and recommends policies for structure, format, and operations of all AAN conferences; recommends future Annual Meeting and regional conference sites to the Board of Directors; and coordinates and oversees planning with staff.

Chair: Ann H. Tilton, MD, MBA, FAAN

Vice Chair: Hope O'Brien, MD, MBA, FAAN

Staff Liaison: Kevin Heinz, Director, Annual Meeting & Conferences

Job Description


  • Attend two meetings each year:
    • Winter meeting to review current plans for the Annual Meeting, finalize items and review plans for the next Annual Meeting and regional conferences, and select future sites for regional conferences.
    • Summer meeting to review prior Annual Meeting and regional conferences evaluations and data, review the status of Annual Meeting, review reports from committees and subcommittees, and select future sites for Annual Meetings and regional conferences.
  • Participate in conference calls with other committee members on relevant issues as they arise throughout the year
  • Determine Annual Meeting site locations and make recommendations to the Board of Directors
  • Develop policies, structure, format, and operations of all AAN education and scientific regional programs and Annual Meeting

Estimated Time Commitment

Three hours per month, plus meetings.

Committee Composition

The Meeting Management Committee includes the following:

  1. Chair from the Education Committee
  2. Chair of Conference Subcommittee
  3. Chair from the Science Committee
  4. Chair from the Medical Economics and Practice Committee
  5. Chair of Industry Relations Subcommittee
  6. Chair of Regional Conference Subcommittee
  7. President of the AAN Board of Directors.
  8. President-Elect of the AAN Board of Directors. This member will serve as the official liaison between the AAN MMC.
  9. One MMC member should be an Advanced Practice Provider.
  10. Additional members are assigned at large