Documentation of Migraine Frequency
Measure Purpose: Optimally treat migraine
The numerator: Patients who had their migraine frequency documented in one of the following formats at each visit:
- "Patient has [#] migraine attacks each [week/month/year]", or
- "Patient has [#] migraine days each [week/month/year]", or
- Patient has [#] bad/severe headache days each [week/month/year]", or
- "Patient has daily migraine symptoms"
is divided by
The denominator: Patients > 6 years of age diagnosed with migraine
Exclusions are removed from the denominator for:
- Patient and/or caregiver decline to answer
- Patient has cognitive impairment and no caregiver is available
Key Phrases
Examples of key phrases you could use to meet the measure include:
- Patient has daily migraine symptoms
- Patient has 3 migraine attacks each week
- Patient has 12 migraine days each year
Measure Calculation Example
Dr. Lund had 100 patients over the age of 6 diagnosed with migraine between January 1 and December 31. This is the denominator. Six patients declined to answer. These six patients are removed from the denominator.
Of the remaining 94 patients, 29 had their migraine frequency documented in the proper format. This is the numerator.
Quality of care = 29/(100-6). Dr. Lund has a score of 30% for this measure.