Cognitive and Functional Assessment for patients with mild cognitive impairment or memory loss
Measure purpose: Ensure patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) or memory loss receive a cognitive and functional assessment
The numerator has two components, both of which must be met for the final measure calculation:
- Patients who had cognition assessed*
- Patients who had an assessment* of functional status involving a knowledgeable informant
- Patients who had both a cognition and functional status assessment at least once during the measurement period
is divided by
the denominator: patients with a diagnosis of memory loss or MCI.
*See measure specifications for validated objective tools
Exclusions are removed from the denominator:
- Prior diagnosis of dementia (see measure specifications for complete diagnostic codes)
- Patient unable to speak and no knowledegable informant available to provide information
For component 1 only, the following exclusions are removed:
- Patient declines to complete a cognitive health assessment tool
- Patient previously had a cognition assessment in the measurement period and prior results noted
For component 2 only, the following exclusion is removed:
- Knowledgeable informant declines to complete functional status assessment
Key Phrases
Examples of key phrases you could use to meet the measure include:
- MoCA [OR SLUMS, MMSE, MIS, CDR, Mini-Cog, or neuropsychological] results reviewed
- Lawton [OR Barthel, Katz, FAQ, ECog, PASS] results reviewed
- Patient diagnosed with dementia
- Patient unable to communicate, no informant present
Measure Calculation Example
Dr. Khatari has office encounters for 100 patients between January 1 and December 31 that were diagnosed with MCI or memory loss. This is the denominator.
For component 1, Dr. Khatari completes a cognitive health assessment for 49 patients. This is the numerator. One patient was unable to speak and no knowledgable informant was available to provide information. This patient is removed from the denominator as an exclusion. Dr. Khatari's performance rate for component 1 is 49.5% 49/(100-1)
For component 2, Dr. Khatari completes a functional status assessment for 52 patients. This is the numerator. One patient was unable to speak and no knowledgable informant was available to provide information. This patient is removed from the denominator as an exclusion. Dr. Khatari's performance rate for component 1 is 52.5% 52/(100-1)
For component 3, Dr. Khatari completed both a cognitive health assessment AND a functional status assessment for 38 patients. This is the numerator. One patient was unable to speak and no knowledgeable informant was available to provide information. This patient is removed from the denominator as an exclusion.
Dr. Khatari's overall quality of care score is 38.3%. 38/(100-1)