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March 6, 2023

Latest Advocacy News

  • On February 24, the AAN submitted comments in response to a proposed rule from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services that would implement significant new requirements aimed at reducing prior authorization (PA) burden across payers that are subject to the agency's authority. This proposed rule is aligned with long-standing AAN advocacy priorities and is the culmination of years of efforts to reduce the detrimental impacts of PA.
  • Tomorrow, the Janice F. Wiesman Congressional Leadership in Neurology Award will be presented to Sen. Ben Ray Luján (D-NM) for his continued support of AAN priorities and participation in the inaugural Brain Health Summit. This award honors the late AAN member Janice F. Wiesman, MD, FAAN, and her dedication to advocacy.
  • On February 27, the AAN met with CMS to discuss recommendations submitted earlier in the month related to coverage of monoclonal antibodies directed against Alzheimer’s disease as it pertains to lecanemab. The AAN is highly encouraged by CMS’ indicated interest in the AAN's expertise and in continued dialogue regarding potential modifications to the current National Coverage Determination, especially in light of CMS recent rejection of the Alzheimer’s Association’s request. The AAN is committed to continuing to have an open dialogue with CMS on how coverage policy should be designed for this and other monoclonal antibodies.

Issue in Focus

Right now, over 180 members from 45 states are gathered in Washington, DC, for the 21st annual Neurology on the Hill. Today, these members will learn the skills necessary to have a successful legislative meeting, the current state of regulatory affairs, and master the 2023 priority issues. Tomorrow, your colleagues will put those lessons to use at in-person Capitol Hill visits with over 270 members of Congress, discussing the AAN’s top issues facing neurologists today, such as:

  1. Reforming the Medicare Physician Payment System by holding congressional hearings and working with all stakeholders to explore long-term payment solutions
  2. Addressing overly burdensome barriers to care by supporting legislation that addresses prior authorization practices
  3. Supporting medical research and care in FY24 by maintaining robust funding for NINDS, providing full funding for the BRAIN Initiative, and increasing funding for the VA Neurology Centers of Excellence

Not in DC but still looking to take action tomorrow? Join the day of advocacy by contacting your members of Congress, too! Help your fellow AAN members by sending your own message to ask your legislator to support our issues. Then, follow the conversation and get engaged at #NOH23 and #AANadvocacy.


What We're Reading

  • Senators Have Mental Health Crises, Too (Podcast – KHN's ‘What the Health?’)
  • How does the brain age across the lifespan? New studies offer clues (The Washington Post)
  • Redefining sustainability in health care: putting patients before profits (Op-Ed – STAT)